Tuesday, February 07, 2006


europE is my favourite place for holiday.although been there once but i'm now in love with it.some of my frens preffer to go to beaches where you can get yourself tanned.but not for me..sorry..hehehee..but to go to europE you have to spend a lot of money because of the currency.but the experience is .. 'priceless'.i'm not sure either i'm goin to europE this year or next year.but i have to go to london while my cousin still stay there.about european..

-for you in train or tube within 7am-9am..mmg bau jamban..coz depa semua tak mandi pagi.
-everyday,in KL you only want to eat western food or some 'cool' dining food,but when you in par1s or london,sure mengidam roti canai bajir mamak or maggi goreng kanna.
-you can wear nice jacket and boots coz sejuk laaaa..i loveeee the weather.
-probabilty you meet some famous or goin to be famous actor are high..
-exposed yourself a new experience in life.
-shopping would be the bestestest things.you can buy latest design or fashion in market..
-pokai bila balik malaysia ..hahahhahaa

ooh yaa..last nite i've bought my mom present.i feel so happy when she smiled and kissed me.now my wished is to make my parents happy and smiled is possible everyday.maybe in 4yrs time i could buy them some expensive branded stuff like pr4da and ch4nel.and my dream is to bring my dad to it4ly.he loves it4ly.just two of us..


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